martes, 28 de julio de 2020

The dogs

For years the dog has known that the dog is the best friend of man. When the man realized that he was a good companion in hunting, a relationship with the animal was created, this relationship has improved over the years.
There are more than 800 breeds with very different sizes. They are not very good with sight but their smell and hearing are very developed, this helps them to be good at hunting and tracking.

Its life cycle lasts between 12 and 15 years, it can reach 17 or 20 years of life.
Females start their sexual maturity after 8 months and can have puppies 2 times a year and have between 8 and 12 puppies. While males take longer and take up to 15 months to develop sexual maturity.

They are carnivores but it is not good that they only eat meat. In the markets you can find the concentrates for dogs, they are prepared to satisfy your needs and occupy from 1,300 to 3,500 kcal per day.
Its body temperature is maintained between 38 ° C and 39 ° C and it may rise at night.
They are like humans in their mouth, first teeth are born after 6 weeks of life and then the final teeth are born after 4 months, they have 42 teeth in total.
These animals are very important because they help people with depression, they are also used for the rehabilitation of people. It has been proven that they are of great help to carry out therapies and help with the detection of diseases such as diabetes and collaborate in physical activity due to their amount of energy.
They also help in what are tasks such as the k-9 that are the well-known police dogs, there are the Gurdian dogs that take care of their owners.
On the other hand, those that are search and rescue that are used to track people trapped by a natural disaster for example.
The behavior of this animal is going to change depends on how it is treated, commonly aggressive dogs are those that are kept locked up or on leashes, and they are kept away from society.
While a dog that takes a walk and lives with other dogs or humans are going to be more sociable and less aggressive.
So if you are going to have an animal they deserve the best life and be treated in a good way.
They live less because they are already born knowing love in a way that humans lead a lifetime trying to learn.

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